Types of Home Saunas Across the World

You may have friends in the area who love going to the sauna, but did you know that the hype isn’t just a domestic thing? People in all four corners of the globe have immersed themselves in the wonderful world of saunas and their health benefits. They come in all different styles, each with their own individual and cultural touch.
Visiting la sauna in Spain is considered a more private matter, as you will most likely use them only if you have reserved a vacation rental. Visitors are separated by gender and wear swimming clothes.
Norway is another country that has been experiencing a “sauna boom,” as they call it. There are events and even clubs devoted to badstue, and the clubs are so popular that sometimes they cannot admit any new members due to high demand! Some Norwegians really want to go the extra mile when it comes to their sauna experience, choosing to use one with a built-in television.
The sauna is known as bastu to the Swedes. Some sources even rank Sweden as the best country in the world, and they happen to also appreciate the art of the sauna. Coincidence? The citizens of this flourishing country generally see visiting the sauna as a way to relieve of any physical or psychological stress held in during the day. Many Swedish saunas also come with a pool that you can swim in before you go into the wood-fired room. These rooms are generally public, and it is considered acceptable to go in nude, so if you are uncomfortable with seeing strangers without clothes and vice versa, this may not be suitable for you. Thankfully, you can look forward to getting a massage inside the bathhouse after your sauna visit, and that’s a deal you just can’t beat, so if you ever find your Swedish friend asking you, “Vill du basta ikväll?” (Do you want to sauna this evening?), we highly recommend you respond eagerly with “Ja!”
Сауна (banya) is an ancient tradition in Russia. There is even a sauna in the nation’s capital that is older than your grandparents. Russians typically like to bring friends along to the sauna so they can share the exuberating experience together. The banya even has a break room complete with tables and benches for socialization. Russians do truly love the sauna because it allows them to rejuvenate their spirits once again, as they might say themselves, “В ба́не помы́лся — за́ново роди́лся” (Washing up in the banya is like being born again).
There are many different kinds of saunas in Japan. While the ones you may be most familiar with can be referred to as simply a sauna (サウナ), you can also try an onsen (温泉 ), which contain the kanji characters for “hot water.” You may have seen these featured in many Japanese TV shows or movies, as they are very traditional to the country’s culture. Japan is another country where it is considered acceptable to go into the sauna naked, but if you would prefer to use a towel, be sure to ask for one by saying, “タオルは レンタルできます か?” (Taoru wa rentaru dekimasu ka?) There is even a “Sauna Day” which is recognized annually on March 7th, so set your calendar for next year!
Finland is widely known for their löyly as they are a staple part of their culture, so much that in December 2020, the Finnish sauna was added to the Unesco Cultural Heritage list. The saying goes that “the sauna is a poor man’s pharmacy,” and nearly 1 out of 2 Finns have a home sauna. Many Finns like to have a drink while they are in the sauna, the two top choices being lager beer and Hartwall Long Drink. Finland can essentially be considered the sauna capital of the world, so if you ever find yourself in the land of a thousand flakes, your trip won’t be complete without relaxing at one of them!
No matter where in the world you hail from, you will surely enjoy the benefits of a home sauna. Your life will change tremendously for the better as you step into a world of comfort and composure that you will feel the effects of even when you step out of the sauna. So don’t sweat the petty things and consider trying it out for yourself today!