All About Seasonal Affective Disorder And How an Infrared Sauna Can Help

We’re officially in the thick of winter, and while that does mean we can start decorating the Christmas tree and baking gingerbread men, it also means that our days are getting colder, shorter, and darker. For a lot of people, the sudden shift in their environment can wreak havoc on their mental and physical state through something called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Have you ever felt a little less like yourself during the wintertime? If yes, then you might be suffering from SAD. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about SAD and how an infrared sauna can help treat this affliction.
What is SAD?
SAD is a kind of depression that is most famously characterized by the fact that it is seasonal. Affected individuals will feel the symptoms of SAD when seasons shift at around the same time of year, every year. That being said, while summer SAD does exist, winter SAD is much more common.
As far as the causes of SAD, scientists have yet to find a specific reason as to why the seasons can bring such a troubling disorder. However, the strongest theories for winter SAD point to daylight savings as the main culprit. The sudden lack of light can seriously disturb one’s melatonin levels, hormones like serotonin, and circadian rhythm, all of which can shock the body and produce the symptoms associated with SAD.
What are the symptoms of winter SAD?
Winter SAD symptoms generally begin in the fall, continue into the winter, and clear up around spring. Common symptoms include:
- Feelings of lethargy, hopelessness, sadness, fatigue, and irritability
- Sleeping too much
- A sudden shift in diet, specifically increased cravings for carbs and sweets
- Not enjoying the things you once did
- Actively avoiding social interactions and situations
- Issues concentrating
Remember; this list is not definitive and not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Talk to your doctor about any habits or feelings that are uncharacteristic for you to find out if you may be suffering from winter SAD.
How is winter SAD treated?
There are several approaches one can take when trying to alleviate the effects of SAD. Among them includes taking prescription medication or visiting a therapist. While effective, these treatment plans are rather involved and aren’t favorable for those who don’t want to take medications or don’t have enough time to go see a doctor. For this reason, light therapy is one of the most common treatments, as it is simple, safe, non-invasive, and effective.
As such, using an infrared sauna that has chromotherapy lights is a wonderful way to treat winter SAD. Chromotherapy is a type of light therapy that uses colored lights to stimulate the brain. Different colors elicit different responses, all of which are positive and work to improve one’s mental and physical state. For example, green lights can help relax your body and mind, whereas orange lights are energizing. If you suffer from SAD and have access to an infrared sauna with chromotherapy lights, use your symptoms to figure out what colored lights would work best to counteract your negative emotions, then simply sit in the sauna and let the lights do the work. This treatment plan works best when done consistently, so make sure you keep up with your sauna sessions.
Don’t be afraid to reach out
A lot of people are quick to disregard their winter SAD and settle with just trying to power through it instead of seeking help. SAD is a real problem with real solutions, and you should never have to deal with something so unpleasant alone simply because you believe it’ll pass with time. If you feel any symptoms of depression this winter season, reach out to your loved ones for support, and if your symptoms persist despite light therapy, visit your doctor for more in-depth help and a treatment plan that is more suited for you.