
A Personal Sauna Is Your Ticket To Better Health

Have you made the leap and bought yourself a personal sauna yet? If so, congratulations are in order. You will soon be experiencing the many benefits that infrared sauna use provides. You may have some questions before you get started, though, so we’ll take a few moments to talk about some of the common queries.


How Long Does It Take For My Sauna To Heat Up?

It doesn’t take very long for a home infrared sauna to warm up, about 10-15 minutes on average. It depends partially on how hot you want the sauna to get. For first use, it is not recommended to go above 130 degrees Fahrenheit. If you find later that you like the sauna at a hotter temperature, you can get there gradually. A little trial and error and will be required.


What’s Difference About Far Radiant Therapy?

Far radiant saunas subject your body directly to far infrared waves, the same as those emitted by the sun. A traditional sauna merely heats the air around you. The infrared frequency of your sauna will perfectly match the bio-frequency of the human body so that you will feel calm and relaxed as the heat penetrates deeply into your muscles.


What Is The Ideal Temperature For My Sauna?

Again, this is somewhat a matter of personal preference, but the temperature at which your body receives the full exposure to the infrared waves is between about 115-135 degrees Fahrenheit. You can go higher if you like, but there will be no additional benefits. If you use your sauna more regularly it will not take as long for you to start sweating, as your body will be acclimated to it. Then you can set your sauna at a lower temperature and still receive full therapeutic use from it.


How Will I Know If It’s Working?

Exposure to far infrared heat is a calming, relaxing sensation. It’s like soaking up the sun’s rays when it’s only pleasantly warm, like a day in May before the summer heat truly sets in. As you become more used to it, you will start to sweat earlier in the session, and your body will release more toxins. You’ll know if it’s working by how you feel afterward. Carefully monitor your physical and mental state before and after your sessions. Are you more free and comfortable in your movements? Do you feel more relaxed? If so, then you can assume it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.


Starting out on this journey toward better health can be exciting. We’re confident that you’ll enjoy your use of a home infrared sauna, and you’ll soon be recommending one to everyone you meet.