Stress Relief: One of the Many Sauna Health Benefits

Long-Term Stress
Unfortunately, chronic stress negatively affects the body in a variety of ways, and sometimes we get too caught up in our everyday lives to even realize it. We are usually quick to conclude that harmful symptoms on our body are the result of an illness, but such symptoms like sleeping issues, loss of appetite, and stomach aches are likely to be the result of stress. Symptoms of stress can even negatively affect your mood which can eventually begin to take a toll on the body. If the symptoms are not treated, they can, unfortunately, develop into chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. The American Psychological Association conducted an annual stress survey in 2015 and concluded that the average American stress level increased from 4.9 to 5.1 on a 1 to 10 scale. The two most frequent causes of stress according to the survey are employment and money. Many people in the United States have busy lives on a day to day basis, and they will struggle to realize the impact the long-term stress has on their lives.
Stress Relief With an Infrared Sauna
There is a multitude of infrared sauna health benefits, but stress relief is one that will protect your body from experiencing many negative side effects. The obvious solutions to stress could be consistent physical activity, rest, eating healthy, and limiting alcohol and drug intake. However, regularly using a sauna provides consistent stress relief and relaxation. Studies have shown that consistently using saunas will lower the body’s cortisol levels which is its primary stress hormone. They have also shown that sweating creates a relaxed body and mind, which ultimately decreases anxiety and frustration.
At the end of the day, there are many factors in life that contribute to stress, and saunas can target certain issues to further relieve stress and increase relaxation. For example, many people who have experienced medical issues that force them to live a sedentary life would find saunas an incredible source of stress relief since they are most likely unable to take part in common methods of stress relief like physical activities and exercise. Infrared saunas will not produce strong demands on a cardiovascular system which is ultimately why people with these types of medical issues would benefit from an infrared sauna.
Lower Stress – Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a common and chronic symptom of stress. While stress relief alone does not directly lower high blood pressure, relieving stress can contribute to lifestyle choices that will lower blood pressure in the long run, which is one of the many sauna health benefits related to stress. The amount of time spent relaxing in the sauna, leisurely sauna time and the positive health effects of the heat and sweat are all factors that contribute to stress relief. Studies have shown that people who utilize saunas on a regular basis will experience more health benefits related to stress relief than using it once or a few times