
4 Seated And Standing Yoga Poses to do in Your Home Sauna

When you think of yoga poses, chances are that the first thing that comes to mind are the complex ones that require a lot of space to complete. The truth is that yoga poses come in all forms, and some seated and standing poses are quite simple enough that they can even be done in the comfort of your own home sauna.

Why you should be practicing yoga

Seated and standing yoga provides many benefits for the body and mind. Among them includes: 

1) Reduced stress

Yoga is usually accompanied by a type of meditation known as mindful breathing. That is, when you practice yoga, you’re usually asked to be conscious of your breath and to breathe in deliberate patterns. Mindful breathing is a great tool to reduce stress because it asks you to clear your mind so you may have a moment of peace. 

2) Increased relaxation

Yoga promotes relaxation for the same reason it decreases stress. When you allow yourself to clear your mind while you do your mindful breathing and focus less on your stress, you’re allowing yourself to relax. The result is a boost of calmness and mental clarity! 

3) Increased flexibility

Of course, yoga is a great way to increase flexibility because you are stretching out your muscles. In the same vein, because good flexibility leads to benefits like enhanced mobility, decreased the risk of muscle injury, and improved posture, yoga is a great method to improve your body physically overall. 

Seated and standing yoga poses you can practice in your home sauna 

There are plenty of small space friendly yoga poses you can try out in a sauna. Here are some that are especially good for tinier spaces: 

1) Easy pose

This is probably one of the most famous yoga poses! In fact, you’ve probably done it millions of times without realizing it. Sit with your legs crisscrossed and place your hands either on top of your knees or in a prayer position by your chest. This pose is especially great if you’re looking to better your posture and strengthen your back muscles.  

2) Butterfly pose

In a seated position, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Pull your feet to your groin as close as you can, push your knees towards the ground, and pull your chest down towards your feet. Make sure you lead with the crown of your head and keep your back flat. This pose is good to loosen the hips and groin, an area we tend to lose flexibility in as we get older. 

3) Mountain pose

Mountain pose is commonly thought of as the most fundamental pose in yoga. Place your feet hip-distance apart and stand tall with your shoulders back. Push your chest out, widen your shoulder blades, and let your arms come down straight against your body with your palms facing forward or towards your body. Keep the crown of your head parallel to the floor. As this pose forms the basis for all other standing poses in yoga, this pose is particularly useful if you’re looking to strengthen your yoga skills. 

4) Chair pose

With your feet hips length apart, raise your arms above your head with your palms joined or facing inward. Then, tuck your tailbone in and squat down like you’re sitting in a chair. The goal is to get your thighs as parallel to the ground, but only go as far down as is comfortable. Lastly, hinge at your waist and slightly lean your chest forward. Remember to keep your back long and straight, your weight on the heels of your feet, and your shoulder blades relaxed and pulled down. Chair pose is a great way to open up your chest and strengthen your quads. 

If you’re looking to incorporate yoga into your sauna sessions, these 4 simple poses are an amazing place to start! Not only are they incredibly beneficial for your body and mind, but they are very space-conscious so they can be done effortlessly in almost any home sauna cabin. Lastly, remember to listen to your body. If you ever feel any extreme discomfort or pain, stop what you’re doing immediately and modify your position. After all, the goal here is to relax and have fun!